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Club History, Silent Keys
Field Day History


Ski Country Amateur Radio Club (SCARC) and its predecessor Glenwood Amateur Society (GAS) have participated in Field Day every year since 1969.  The first team was made up of Bob Cutter KIØG, (exWNØYED), Ken Eigsti, WØLSD, Neal Morris, KØTIV, Dave Northrop, WB6JUI, Dale Hoveland and Neil VanGaalen, WAØKAP. WØLSD call sign was used. 

The FD site was a wooden platform on Red Mountain west and above Glenwood Springs, near the present seasonally lighted cross. The antennas were wire that first year with a gasoline generator and tube type radio, a Heathkit HW100.

Within the next year or two we had graduated to a home brew Cubical Quad that we built during the winter at the Glenwood Fish Hatchery on Mitchel Creek. The Hatchery Manager was WAØKAP. Bamboo poles from carpet rolls were the spreaders. Robert Burry, WBØBWW inherited the antenna after the event and used it at his home on Highway 82 for several years near the present Aspen Glen Subdivision.

The next location was a mining cabin on Transfer Trail, north of Glenwood near Windy Point on the edge of the Flattops.

The mining cabin was there for a purpose and the heavy mineralization of the area severely limited the propagation of our signal and this was not one of our more successful operations. Also, FWD was necessary which limited participation (there was some discussion later that the Venison Chili may have contributed).

Various other locations have been tried. One location was on the Colorado River between New Castle and Silt. Vertical antennas were installed at water’s edge and worked quite well.

Another popular location was on the road to Lookout Mountain, above Glenwood to the east.  This area was used for several years and the easy access made it popular.

Coffee Pot Spring on the east edge of the Flattops above Dotsero was popular with the VHF contest and Vail crowd and Phil, NØKE (then WØKEA) persuaded us to give it a try.  One of the events from this location had a keg of beer for the winner between us and the Montrose, CO group.  We won and collected later in the summer atop McClure Pass.  We were first joined by Lloyd, NDØE (SK) and Bernice, KAØBAD (SK) both of whom became very active in the club and contest site events.

A very popular location for several years was just off the Buford Road, north of New Castle, over a long, rough gravel road.  This was the scene of a Bob, K9MWM event with a trailer hitch, the details of which have been sealed.  One feature at this time was a WWII surplus generator on wheels and powered by a loud, thirsty Lycoming engine. The first year a “fuel run” was necessary.  Another feature, which has probably been erased from most memories, was the very large, winged, blood thirsty insects.

We were joined by two professional CW Operators both of whom could talk, smoke a cigarette and send with one hand while writing with the other; Walt, WØFG and Doug, WØKLE.

Rob, KØALN (then KØYBX) along with Lloyd NDØE (SK) and Berniece KAØBAD (SK) are shown above with Bob, K9MWM atop the tower.

Locations at Carbondale, in a park and near the cross country ski area followed.  John, NØMOR (SK) headed up these operations and gave rise to stories concerning livestock control with a BB gun. Carbondale was followed by a site on the west end of Four Mile Park, beyond Sunlight Ski Area.  All locations beginning with the Buford Road events relied on some combination of tower and Yagi antenna with wire antennas for 40 and 80 meters. Four Mile Park, pictured below, was the location in 2004.

1996 found us back at the Lookout Mountain site using the new club call, KØRV and with two stations, battery powered and QRP.  This operation resulted in our highest national ranking for Field Day, so far.

In 2001 we operated from the JQS Trail north of Rifle and it was the first time Clark, K3NI joined us. This was followed by Chapman Reservoir on the Frying Pan River above Basalt. 2006 and 2007 found the operation at Phil, NØKE's place south of Silt.

The club acquired a gasoline generator and it was stored in a wooden box when not in use. Over the years the box cover collected the scores of early years and the call signs of participants with additions each year until it nearly covered both sides.

In 2008 the club moved to a large vacant lot in a gated subdivision north of El Jebel.  With assistance from nearby neighbors Prentice, KØVXP and Lori, KDØALO the owner generously allowed us to operate there until it was put up for sale in 2022.  It was an ideal location in all regards.

Subsequently our 2022 Field Day event was relocated to its current location 7.8 miles south of Silt on private property owned by gracious landowner and longtime club member; Phil, NØKE.

Field Day scores over the years.

Written by Bob Cutter, KIØG (SK) May 2019

Minor edits and updates by Kevin Milner, KDØMA